Pay Per Click Campaigns require a far more extensive amount of time, research, and analytical thinking to be successful. Voxdelta uses a number of trade secrets in order to maximize the output of our online marketing campaigns, and it all starts at the coveted Quality Score.
We immediately improve the Quality Score of our client’s ads by manipulating the language and structure of the advertisements themselves to comply with Google’s Quality Score metrics. A vast number of ads are used to ensure that each client's customized set of keywords match the individual advertisement’s language and structure, as well as the clients brand identity. Furthermore, each ad will direct users to specific landing pages on your website designed to focus on the product they are interested in and promote the likelihood they will take the actions our clients are seeking (buy product, call, contact, etc). By specific ads that focus on specific products or services that lead to specific landing pages, Voxdelta can provide higher Quality Score than our competitors, ensuring that you pay less for your PPC campaign.
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